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Showing posts from August 18, 2017


Growing your business in the face of ever fiercer competition, while continuing to deliver profitability and shareholder value, can be tough. In today’s business world you need to react to opportunities and threats faster than ever before, while implementing long-term strategies to plan for future success. Pukka’s Legal and company secretarial services include the following and much more: • assist with growth through transaction support such as mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances and international operations; • support and protect your business through ethical practices, solid infrastructure and compliance assistance; • Improve performance from business advice and consulting with advisory, technical, and industry specific skills; • help you ensure that you have the right processes in place; • mitigate against the risk of unseen events; • Whether you are pursuing new opportunities, dealing with a serious issue or managing the daily pressures of organizati

The challenge of corporate compliance in Nigeria.

The ongoing changes in the legal environment brought about an unprecedented need for companies to implement rigorous internal controls and ensure effective management of legal entities on a global basis. This has become one of the major challenges facing multinational corporations and an onerous responsibility for their directors. Furthermore, company directors are under increasing pressure of changing legislative requirements governing the administration of their companies and keeping up-to- date and compliant is more complex and time-consuming than ever before. Pukka Secretarial Services can help guide you through the challenges and changes, easing your administrative burden and allowing you to focus on running your business. Failure to comply with statutory obligations can have potentially severe legal consequences for the company, its shareholders and directors. Company secretarial services We are experts in providing comprehensive company secretarial, administrati


At age sixty-seven, Thomas Edison returned home early one evening from another day at the lab. Shortly after dinner, a man came rushing into his house with urgent news: A fire had broken out at Edison’s research and production campus a few miles away. As he calmly made his way to the fire, he called out to his son, “Go get your mother and all her friends. They’ll never see another fire like this again.”   Don’t worry, Edison told his son. “It’s all right. We’ve just got rid of a lot of rubbish.” You see, acceptance is not the same thing as resignation. All though Edison unquestionably—even joyously—embraced the calamity that befell him, that did not mean he gave up. Instead of being devastated by a fire that destroyed his life’s work, it invigorated him. He told a reporter the next day, “I’ve been through a lot of things like this. It prevents a man from being afflicted with ennui.” Within about three weeks the factory was partially back up and running. Despite a l